Art Galleries

Light Language Art Gallery

Art Galleries

3_dna-spiral-432x864[dropcap4 variation=”orange”]1[/dropcap4][fancy_link textcolor=”#87472b” link=”” variation=”orange”]Light Language Art Gallery One[/fancy_link]
[dropcap4 variation=”orange”]2[/dropcap4][fancy_link textcolor=”#87472b” link=”” variation=”orange”]Light Language Art Gallery Two[/fancy_link]
[dropcap4 variation=”orange”]3[/dropcap4][fancy_link textcolor=”#87472b” link=”” variation=”orange”]Light Language Art Gallery Three[/fancy_link]
[dropcap4 variation=”orange”]4[/dropcap4][fancy_link textcolor=”#87472b” link=”” variation=”orange”]Light Language Art Gallery Four[/fancy_link]

My paintings combine sacred geometry, Egyptian inspired imagery and harmonizing prayers for our planet. In ancient Egyptian beliefs, it was a solar boat that carried the soul through to the afterlife and multi-verse.

Egyptian deities also used solar boats to travel to the stars and back. Solar boats are a re-occurring image in my work; they signify the open channels between our human experience and the esoteric realms of Divine wisdom and guidance.

My work explores these connections and seeks to share these sacred messages with others through my paintings. —Irene Ingalls


Commercial Art Gallery

Irene Ingalls was co-owner of the successful Seattle based business “Eclectic Surfaces” for over 18 years. She and her partner, Robert Williamson, painted large scale artworks, including murals, to transform commercial spaces into stylized environments for architects, hotels, casinos and international businesses. Clients included, Starbucks. Forbes Inc. St. Francis Hotel S.F. Westin Hotels and many high profile local Seattle companies.